This is an mp3 blog attempting to document the gross amount of music I listen to. About once a day, I'll post something I like. If you're a copyright holder on anything I host, get in touch, and we'll settle things in a steel cage instead of a courtroom.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Here's some more songs, you fuckers - Driving Songs Pt. 4

I'm running out of witty things to say and viewable pictures of people ghost riding the whip. Fuck it, all the searches turn up are inscrutable youtube screen shots. Andrea's on my ass for some chill beach songs, which mostly means rocksteady and reggae songs not about the Carribbean struggle.

My job kicks so much ass. I share an office with a rootin' tootin' hard-drinkin' gal who loves country and punk. Rad is right. I love what I do, my co-workers kick ass, and I'm doing something socially positive. I think of it in the way that every dollar I send out in scholarships is another dollar the federl government can't spend on bridges to nowhere and an unjust war.

I'm glad I live in a country where I can buy a dozen frozen tacos for $3.50.

Alkaline Trio - Old School Reasons:

Blink 182 - Rock Show:

Bouncing Souls - Hopeless Romantic:

Mahones - Drunken Lazy Bastard:

New Pornographers - Letter From an Occupant:

Os Mutantes - Bat Macumba:

Riverboat Gamblers - Rattle Me Bones:

Talib Kweli - Supreme Supreme ft. Mos Def:

Turbonegro - Blow Me (Like the Wind):

Ugly Duckling - Einstein's On Stage:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought you might like this. The American dream in action.

10:10 AM


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